LabSolutions™ AG

Software for Autograph Precision Universal Testing Machines

Providing Confident, Secure Data Management on a Network System!

Supports Compliance with Regulations and Guidelines for Mechanical Characteristics Tests in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Industries







Secure, Confident Data Management

  • Mistakes are avoided thanks to database management
  • Robust security

Comfortable Operating Environment

  • Integrated management of a variety of analysis instruments
  • Quickly search through voluminous amounts of data

Heightened Management Productivity

  • Consolidated server-based management of users and other system information
  • Management of related information for each project

Total Support for Regulatory Compliance

  • Functionality supports CSV (IQ/OQ validation) activities
  • Supports document creation



The Autograph precision universal testing machines are now compatible with the latest in data integrity.
Connecting TRAPEZIUM X-V to the LabSolutions system, which provides ER/ES regulatory compliance, enables confident, reliable data management.
In addition to Autograph data, consolidated management is available for LC, GC, and UV data.


Data Integrity and Report Set

Data integrity refers to the assurance that all the data has been collected, and that it is free from defects or non-conformities. In other words, it is necessary to present not only the data itself but also the meta data (conditions settings, data analysis and other results of processes in which human hands have intervened) in a form that can be clearly seen, for verication together with the data. This is provided by Report Set.



What is Shimadzu LabSolutions Report Set?

This function collates the operational information distributed within the software (operations and settings in which human hands have intervened) and arranges it in a single report. Similar to an e-book, the reader can check the contents while turning the pages, so there is no longer any need to switch between pages and tabs while checking operations and settings.



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